S/4 HANA Profitability Analysis Training
In S/4 HANA the costing based Profitability Analysis is no longer used. Instead we use the account based also now called Margin analysis.
The profitability analysis is now simple to configure and also has powerful reporting features such as revenue and cost of sales analysis based on customer, region, country, product etc.
S/4 HANA Profitability analysis Training material covers the following:-
- Creating Operating Concern
- Assigning Controlling area to operating concern
- Define Characteristic Derivation
- Define Assessment cycles
- Create forms for Profitability reports
- Fiori reports for Profitability anlaysis
To cover the above topics we will be providing you the following:-
- Power point presentation
- Video explaining the concepts of margin analysis
- Step by step profitability analysis configuration documentation
The material will be provided as download link within 24 hours of your purchase
Preview Material link below:-
Lawrence Parker –
My Margin analysis concepts are very clear now, thanks for the great explanation. Goods job guys!!!
Charles Stocker –
Very Nice training material, keep it up